why hello friends

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Best Gift Ever!

So I just got home from Italy today and checked my e-mails for the first time in a few days before I board another plane tomorrow to finally depart for the States. I begin to scavage through my cluttered inbox and noticed a wonderful surprise from none other than the great Jason Taylor. I click the link knowing that such a message is surely going to send me laughing if not having to force me to pick my face up off the ground because he rocked my face off once again. Anyway, this e-mail revealed a great gift. A gift so great I thought I should share it with you all. He began a new blogsite http://ifihadbeenmacgyver.blogspot.com which is dedicated to understanding how great life would be if we were in fact MacGyver. It is a must to check out:-) Thanks again Jason, you have kept me updated on all things MacGyver while I have been away and then you top it off by introducing such a groundbreaking website to the world! I am pretty sure life is downhill from here:-)

Also, I am thinking of finishing my packing here and just thought I would share the music that has made my trip. For all of you who have not experienced Big and Rich I suggest you get plugged in. Their song the Big Time has pretty much been my theme song for the semester. Also, as weird as it may sound, Alan Jackson's song Little Bitty reminds me of the Netherlands, come and visit and you will know why!:-) There is a bunch of others thrown in there. Some Jack Johnson, Damien Rice, James Blunt. But those two songs I believe capture my experience here wonderfully.

I guess this is probably my final blog entry from accross the ocean. It is sad to have to leave. To have to say goodbye to the Vissers and the place which has become a sort of second home. Despite the fact that I don't know the language, I still feel oddly at home in this land. I will miss it. I really don't have words to put to my feelings right now. I guess the only way I have to describe it is that right now I feel very similar to when I left the states to come over here. I was so sad to be leaving the people I knew and loved. To leave the life which was so familiar. It isn't that I have no desire to return home. I miss my family and friends terrebly, but I know that I will miss it here as well. I will miss it horribly. I will never forget what the Visser family has given me by opening their home and family to me for the past 4 months, and they will stay with me forever. My experience here has been indescribable, and I really don't know what else to say about it right now. I still can't believe my time here is done. It seems like the world turns so fast and before long the time has slipped away and you are left holding the memories. I will update more when I get back home. I'm not sure what about, but if you wish you can keep on checking back although I can't promise you adventures and pictures quite as exciting as in the past 4 months!:-) I Love you all.
Signing off from the Netherlands


So usually on a weekend I am able to leave good ol' Dordt college and make a small trip to Sioux Falls, occasionally on one of these trips I may see the wonderful statue of David. Well, this weekend I also took a trip from school. Only this time it was to Italy instead of Sioux Falls, and the statue of David was real and not a cheap immitation which turnes green over time!!!!!:-) Anyway, Bryan, Jenn, Tymona and I took a night train on Friday and arrived Saturday morning in Florence. We saw the statue of David, saw some churches, and I even saw some rather important graves! We also took a long walk (hike) through the tuscan roads and it was absolutely beautiful, just like the Olive Garden menue:-) Anyway, Saturday night we took off for Rome. We camped there and it was amazing. So I will just tell ya guys what we all saw. here it goes.
Waited in line for an hour to get into Vatican Museum, it closed early to our dismay and our waiting was in vain. We then waited in line to see St. Peter's Basilica. Absolutely Amazing. Next day we started earlier. Took a tour of the Colloseum, Roman Forum, Palantine Hill, saw the prison where Peter and Paul were kept, went on to the Trevi Fountain, Pantheon which was sadly closed because of a holiday, Plaza Navona which was beautiful, and the spanish steps which are highly overrated.
The next day we made it to the Vatican Museum and saw the amazing Sistine Chappel and the equally amazing rooms and artifacts leading up to it. Recoup as we started the day out at 6 in the A.M. and it was now noon and we just got out of an extremely crowded Vatican Museum. After eating at a wonderful Italian Pizzaria Bryan, Jenn, and Tymona left Rome in search of Greece and I stayed behind with a couple girls who just arrived in Rome from NSpice. I went with them to St. Peter's Basilica again and it was even better the second time around. Next we visited the Pantheon which was actually open and absolutely amazing. Then took another peak at the Trevi Fountain and visited the overrated Spanish steps once again because near it was the closest metro. Yea, it was pretty busy. Weather was beautiful, and the trip was great. Here are a few pictures. Hopefully you will see them all soon!