why hello friends

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Sacraments

So today was a first for me, and not only because I attended a traditional dutch speaking church for the first time in my life, but because we got introduced and were given tickets for "drinks" in their youth room because like all good dutch folk they will not spend money on sunday. Therefor in the evening our host families wanted us to all go to the "Youth House" as they call it and hang out and maybe get a couple drinks. I was thinking soda, juice, or some coffee of some kind, but once again it seems that I had forgotten where the heck I was. We walked into the youth house and it was very cool. They had graffiti painted on the walls, a pool table, and a full bar with all the kids drinking beer and wine! I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a couple in church so I have now drank alcohol in church (I sure hope my church asks me to speak to the congregation about my experiences:-) I am sure some of the people would just love this place. The odd thing is though that the church itself has many of the same struggles over worship type as the church in the states experiences. In fact, the church split because it was getting very large and the old church is now very conservative and the new church will allow a praise band but only once a month. Weird how "liberal" they think they are on some issues (They think that praise band thing is a totally awesome thing) and how the drinking in the church does not seem to be as big of an issue. Well Ill talk to you all later, hope all is going well! Welterusten!


At 1:25 PM, Blogger Jason Taylor said...

*Buying a plane ticket right now*

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Lynae said...

Dustin!! Hey! First of all...I had to find this website on ANOTHER PERSON'S FACEBOOK (b/c I'm a "stalker") Stupid that you couldn't tell me yourself! You butthead. On a better note, I'm glad things are going awesomely for you. Send me some love sometime soon. I miss you! :)

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Dustin said...

Just tell me when to pick you up JMoney, ill get a bike ready for ya. Although i heard stories from the past that biking gets a little difficult some nights after a hearty intake of Dutch culture:-)


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