why hello friends

Thursday, January 26, 2006


So tuesday was a day of excitement as we got to go to amsterdam and see the crazy world of the Netherlands which we all hear about, and wow was some of it weird. Yet the architecture there was beautiful once again and the age of the city amazes me. We also went to Anne Franks home which really made the pain of the war real. It amazes me that the same streets that I walked on that day Anne Frank was not allowed to run on because of her race, I don't really have words to describe the feelings i guess.
We also went on a canal tour through the city, and it is crazy how much water is throughout the city that they used to transport goods because apparently it was more efficiant than cars, man I bet they fired whoever made that decision because now they are all stuck on bikes!:-) Ha ha, I still find it amazing how many bikes are running around here, I am not exagerating when I say there are way more bikes than cars. Also, our biking to school everyday has led to a few very interesting stories, one of which I am pretty sure Bryan captured brilliantly in his blog, you must check it out if you care about me at all.


At 11:22 AM, Blogger Jo Dyck said...

dustin!!! good to see you made it to amsterdam and are having a good time. sorry the visiting thing couldn't work out. you need to post some pictures of you in amsterdam so that we know you are actually there and are not just posting pictures you randomly found elsewhere on the net.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Jo Dyck said...

oh, and i've been to the anne frank house and on one of the canal rides. they're pretty awesome, and they totally bring history to life.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Lynae said...

Hey you. Hope things are going well for you. You better e mail me back. Keep me posted on everything!


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