why hello friends

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Heineken Experience

So tuesday I didn't have class and I was just leasurly roaming around the house, reading a bit, slowling waking up, just enjoying a lazy morning with nobody around trying to talk to me (I hate talking in the mornings, people just shouldnt do it, especially to me). Anyway, I see bryan pull through the wonderful back gate with a pleasant smile on his face as he pulls his bike to a stop and puts the kick stand down. Once again, as Bryan's bike is so prone to do, it falls down and the light promptly falls off which bryan quickly picks up only to briskly throw down again in disgust. Anyway, the real story begins when Bryan walks through the door and tells me, "Dustin, in 45 minutes we leave for Amsterdam" to which I respond, "Amsterdam on a tuesday??". No real reason for my amazement of going to amsterdam on a tuesday besides the fact that before I could never just pick up and go to amsterdam on a tuesday, and to tell you the truth, i bet most of my readers can't. Thus, in order to allow you some of my wonderful experiences I will proceed with this oration.
So the train ride there was rather uneventful and we will therefore skip that part of the story.
So I have heard of this pleasant endeaver known as the Heineken Experience at the Heineken Brewery and thought that we should go there being as we were in Amsterdam on a tuesday for cryin out loud and we all know that on a tuesday in amsterdam if you are a tourist who just randomly decided to go to amsterdam you need to go to the Heineken Experience.
The initial tour was a bit uneventful as it showed old commercials and just random facts about how the creators saw thier purpose in a life of beer making as more monumental than landing on the moon or some other monumental step of humanity of your choice. Anyway, i was a bit dissapointed, but then I had a wonderful experience, I got to be a beer bottle! They had a little ride (Actually the floor just bumped up and down) in the museam that made you feel like a beer bottle going through the assembly line or whatever you call it. Plus they had a cute austrailian girl at the door giving hugs which I will be the first to say were not a dissapointment, sadly i dont have a picture of either event. There was also a ride in which you got to be in the Heineken horse drawn carraige delivering beer, it was dumb, i think it was the same platform as the beer bottles but they just changed what was on the screen, and to tell you the truth being a beer bottle is much more exciting.
Finally, we entered the brewery. And apparently they casually throw three ingredients into these large vats and they magically form into a substance created to make mans heart overflow with joy. I did learn how exactly it was processed, but i prefer to let the immagination explain how these giant copper contraptions can actually do much greater things besides make beer because as i learned, beer making is not that interesting.

To tell you the truth, the process of brewing is a lot more boring than the actual consumption, and in this crazy land we are able to have a couple drinks before we proceed on the tour.

Apparently Heineken is very techsavy and somehow the experience of heinekin is related to video and photo e-mails which you can send to your friend. Obviously a low marketing ploy with little relavance to the actual brewing process but to tell you the truth it was a very enjoyable part of the experience.

After a few more levels of the tour we ended in another bar and we soon realized that we could get soda for our tokens instead of beer, and being as soda is more expensive here than beer i quickly jumped at the opportunity to rip this establishment off and get my cheap soda now as any true dutchman would do. Anyway, as you can see we had fun, we learned nothing about the beer, and to tell you the truth I think most people must go there for the free beer, cool suvenier cup, and the chance to be a beer bottle for once in your life. Needless to say I had a wicked good time.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger Jason Taylor said...

Man! I am very diappointed in you for taking time to respond to my blog when you could have been spending more time at the Heineken factory. I AM PACKING MY BAGS RIGHT NOW! You are living a dream adventure my friend. enjoy it.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Jo Dyck said...

it's called "pop" dustin, not "soda".

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog makes me want to be in the Netherlands. Why? Not for the same reason as everyone else...oh no, for a much different reason. I would have liked to witness the lil' bro throw down the light. Ah, I smile picturing it.
I would also like to add that I believe talking in the morning is overrated.
Keep up the good work!


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