why hello friends

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Good ol' Church

So tonight we went to what we were told would be a completely spectacular praise and worship event. An event with contemporary music, music so contemporary in fact that the church (which sells beer) will only allow it in front of the sanctuary once a month. With such a buildup I was expecting great things, Troy Kooima great things, but I dont think the Dutch have heard of such a man:-)
First off I think it is best that I remind all that I do not speak dutch, i know most of my readers believe that Dustin Vander Haar can do most things, including speaking most languages being as he obviously knows the ancient language of the Gnomes, but I will be the second to tell ya (my mom the first) that I indeed do not know all things, including dutch. Therefore when I am sitting through a 2 hour praise and worship service in which i understand no words at all it is easy to get sidetracked and perhaps misjudge the service. In fact after returning from my many daydreams i thought there was something horribly wrong with the speakers as I was not able to understand anythign the people in front were saying, but then i was quickly reminded that in fact they were speaking dutch and I was just a stupid American. Nonetheless, this is what I saw.
First off, apparently the contempory service is coreographed to the max with people kneeling, matching cloths, full dramatic actions, and seemingly planned spiritual swaying while they were in front singing. It kinda reminded me of the christian tv channel but with a lower production cost. Im not bashing it I promise, my host mom really got into it, perhaps you just need to speak dutch i dont know but that isnt the thing that got me. Here is a picture from the service:

Yea, if you notice there are like 2 dozen people singing in the front and each one of them has a microphone, yea that was a bit shocking. But the really shocking, and actually quite enjoyable part of the service is in the upper right part of the picture:

Yea, that is an exceptionally hot girl as the background for the praise slide. And no it is not the only one. They had a very odd set of backgrounds, they went from traditional pictures of Jesus alternating with exceptionally hot girls. I was trying to find a connection, and even asked my host sister Myranda but apparently the praise song was not glorifying God for supplying this earth with beautiful girls. None the less I am starting to like this Netherlandic church experience, apparently they are offering the walmart of churches. You can get a healthy dose of religion and afterward enjoy life with a cold beer and a hottie. I guess you learn something new everyday!


At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like a cool church

At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who takes pictures in church???

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Dustin said...

whoever made the website for them:-)


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